July 21, 2009

Making Lemonade

I've been going through the stages of job-loss grief and have reached, I think, acceptance. I have no job. I have no immediate prospects for a job. What is it they say when the going gets tough? Exactly. So we're showing just how tough we are and we're going. I'm currently on a road trip (more in the next post) with an ex-Paris friend (as opposed to an ex-friend from Paris) and when this two week vacation ends, Paul and I are heading for Paris.

It's time to take a different perspective. Instead of thinking of all the things missing I'm doing my best to think of all the things I do have. Like time. And friends in France who will swap apartments with me. And the flexibility to disappear for five weeks at a time with Paul.

In the last few weeks I've happily ridden the coasters (OK just the one) at Six Flags in St Louis, enjoyed happy hour in an Irish bar while watching soccer, walked along the beach as often as I could, enjoyed concerts in the park and now I'm writing, contentedly, mere feet from the rim of the Grand Canyon.

Life is a state of mind, as much as anything. And I suppose it's true that oftentimes, other peoples' lives seem more appealing. I once asked someone not to help me change my life, but to deal with the one I have. And that's the best vision I can come up with.

So we're dealing -- and enjoying. In the last 12 months we've spent extended time in China and Hong Kong. Now we're going back to Europe. Keep an eye out for Adventures in Paris ... coming your way in August.

1 comment:

mikesays said...

so happy you're making lemonade, doll. i think that's a terrific thing to do. in fact, i have a number of pals in the u.s. who are in your exact same position, and i think you're handling it the best. having fun is good for the soul. going to paris is good for the soul. road tripping with your pal(s) is good for the soul. all in all, i think you're in a great situation and you'll have a ball! keep on keeping on, etc. etc. bisous, honey.